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CECEP Solar Energy Technology (ZhenJiang) Co., Ltd. Won the Title of PV Cell/Module Brand Enterprise and BIPV Solution Enterprise in 2021.

來源:中節能降耗陽光能新材料技術(深圳)不足機構 時間:2022-09-13 【字號:
On December 17, 2021, the 10th “Polaris Cup” 2021 PV Influential Brand Selection and Award Ceremony ended in Nanjing. CECEP Solar Energy Technology (ZhenJiang) Co., Ltd. emerged from various finalists after several rounds of competition and won two awards of “Influential PV Cell/Module Brand Enterprise” and “Influential BIPV Solution Enterprise” in 2021. 

The annual influence selection of the “Polaris Cup” has been held for 10 consecutive years and hosted by GUANGFU.BJX.COM.CN, a leading vertical portal website in the industry, in order to commend enterprises with a good reputation in the industry and outstanding contributions to the development of the PV industry. It is one of the most authoritative awards in the industry. The two awards represent the industry’s recognition for the brand of the CECEP Solar Energy Technology (ZhenJiang) Co., Ltd. and fully reflect the positive contributions made in the field of global clean energy development by CECEP Solar Energy Co., Ltd. as the core participant PV new energy industry in China and even around the global. 

2021 is the beginning of “14th Five Year Plan”. Regardless of a variety of adverse factors regarding the complex COVID-19 situation, severe domestic and foreign economic conditions, ever-increasing intense industry competition and large fluctuations in raw materials and logistics costs, CECEP Solar Energy Technology (ZhenJiang) Co., Ltd. has seized the growth opportunities in domestic and foreign markets, promoted the upgrading of the company’s market brand strategy and made continued efforts in various aspects. In addition to making active efforts in promoting production expansion projects of high-efficiency solar cells and modules, CECEP Solar Energy Technology (ZhenJiang) Co., Ltd. has strengthened the research and development of BIPV and dedicated to achieving better performance in power generation improvement, post operation and maintenance convenience and scene adaptation in the wave of distributed PV construction under “whole county promotion”. The “clients-centered, value-creator-based” is the principle of the company. In accordance with the corporate vision of “making power generation greener”, CECEP Solar Energy Technology (Zhenjiang) Co., Ltd. will continue to improve the quality and reliability of products and provide more perfect solutions as required under different scenarios to create more value for customers, so as to strive to make new breakthroughs in the field of “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality” and promote the high-quality development of enterprises. Author: CECEP Solar Energy Technology (ZhenJiang) Co., Ltd.
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