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MIIT Publicized the Third Batch of Enterprises List Conforms with Specification Condition of Photovoltaic Manufacturing Industry

來源: 時間:2014-09-03 【字號:
On September 30, National ministry of Industry and Information Technology(MIIT) publicized the third batch of enterprises list conforms with specification for photovoltaic manufacturing industry, this announcement has 28 companies, including Zhenjiang company(product type:battery). specification condition of photovoltaic manufacturing industry was produced in September last year by MIIT, from the production layout and the establishment of the project, production scale and technology,comprehensive utilization of resources and energy consumption, environmental protection, quality control, safety, health and social responsibility, supervision and management, etc., make the specification requirements to all types of photovoltaic manufacturing enterprises in China.The purpose is to"further strengthen the management of photovoltaic manufacturing industry, standardize the order of industrial development, improve the level of development of the industry, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of photovoltaic industry". According to the specification condition of photovoltaic manufacturing industry,enterprises and projects which do not conform to the specification, its products will not be allowed to enjoy the export tax rebates, domestic application support and other policy support. This time, the third batch of enterprises was publicized for a period of 1 month. After the publicity, the battery and component products of Zhenjiang company will conform with the specification condition of photovoltaic manufacturing industry, it will further show the competitiveness of our company products in industry, to lay a foundation for expanding market share.
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