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Zhenjiang Company Trade Union Organization Held the Lantern Festival Activities in 2016

來源: 時間:2016-02-24 【字號:
On the arrival of the Lantern Festival, Zhenjiang company held the Lantern Festival celebration in the canteen, and "celebrate the Lantern Festival,light and set off" as the theme, enrich the culture life of employees, create a festive atmosphere, make everyone has a peaceful, happy Lantern Festival.

A large number of employees participated in this activity, we guess lantern riddles, eat yuanxiao, DIY exquisite lanterns together! Especially the creative lanterns of various departments and employees,fully reflect the talent and intentions of everyone. At 6:00 pm, the company organized wishing activity of Kongming lanterns at the sunshine plaza, everyone lit lanterns, flying dreams together! This Lantern Festival activity not only brings a lot of fun for everyone,but also shows the employees positive mental outlook, and has a wonderful and meaningful start to work and life at the beginning of 2016. Celebrate the Lantern Festival,light and set off! Let us go ahead in the new year, constantly strive to achieve the goal of 2016.
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