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Zhenjiang Company Held the 2016 Annual Work Meeting

來源: 時間:2016-02-03 【字號:
To fully implement the spirit of the annual work meeting of the group company and solar energy company, summary the work of the company in 2015, deploy the business target and important work of 2016, in the morning of February 3, China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group (CECEP) Solar Energy Technology (ZhenJiang) Co., Ltd. held the 2016 annual work meeting in the company reporting hall. Jiang Likai, vice general manager and chief engineer of solar energy company, chairman of Zhenjiang company, Zhenjiang company deputy general manager Yang Lei, deputy general manager Gou Xianfang, solar energy company project development department deputy director Han Shengguang, safety production department Cai Hua attended the meeting, deputy general manager Wu Shaomei chaired the meeting, company employees at all levels in a total of more than 300 people attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Zhenjiang company deputy general manager Gou Xianfang transmitted the work summary of group company, solar energy company in 2015 and the spirit of 2016 annual work, required all the staff carefully study and experience after the meeting, and make further communication, ensure the implementation of the work. Yang Lei, Zhenjiang company deputy general manager, made a 2016 annual work report about the title of "new starting, new action, start again 2016 ". The report made a comprehensive, in-depth summing up of the completion of the business indicators in 2015 and important work, put forward some existing problems at the same time, and made the specific requirements and careful deployment for the company work in 2016, Yang pointed out: 2016 is the ending of Zhenjiang company "new three year plan", is the start of the next five years, is a crucial year connects past and present; 2016 is a year that our country entry into "13th Five Year Plan", economy entry into "new normal". To adapt to the economic "new normal", we should have "new state", at a new starting of 2016, we should strive to have "new action"! Around the " six new" in 2016, we should advance bravely at the start of the year.   The third agenda of the meeting is Yang Lei, deputy general manager, on behalf of the Zhenjiang company signed safety responsibility in 2016 with each department. Deputy general manager Wu Shaomei pointed out: safety production is an important part of enterprise management, but also the basic conditions to promote the healthy development of enterprises, do a good job in safety work to create a good environment for the production of enterprises; it can avoid and reduce the losses caused by the accident, and enhance the potential benefits. Safety production is a concept of security to implement the "people-oriented, safe development", is the embodiment of the social responsibility of the central enterprises. At the end of the meeting, chairman Jiang made an important speech. Made a detailed review of important events of Zhenjiang company in 2015 and the development process of the company's 5 years, fully affirmed the achievements of the company in 2015, made important instructions on the direction and requirements of the work in 2016. Jiang pointed out that we should seek breakthrough ideas and methods under the condition of the current market competition pressure, to ensure the completion of the business objectives in 2016, and explore the creating tactics about the second five-year core competitiveness of zhenjiang company in practice, gradually clear and form the development strategy of Zhenjiang company second five-year.          Finally, Chairman Jiang Likai wished all the staff happy new year, good health, a successful career.
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