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Spring Festival Gift of Zhenjiang Company in 2016

來源: 時間:2016-02-04 【字號:
Thanks to the hard work of all the staff in 2015, show the forge ahead spirit of the staff, rich and colorful art specialty, at 14:00 pm on February 3, Zhenjiang company held a "light, and then set off!" as the theme of the 2016 Spring Festival. The Spring Festival was held by four departments, including the company's production department, engineering department, safety supervision department, general management department, the staff of each department wrote, directed and starred by themselves in the Spring Festival art performance, and presented a gift for the 5 anniversary of establishment of the company.

The get-together began with passionate Laser water drum "encourage energy conservation". Then deputy general manager Yang gave a speech about the Spring Festival, expressed gratitude to all employees, and the New Year blessing. At the get-together, the company presenting the award to essay winners, including outstanding agents, advanced workers, outstanding management award, outstanding newcomer award, outstanding team, advanced science and technology innovation award, outstanding growth group, 2015 "safety production month", thanks for the hard work of the staff for the whole year.  The three-hour gala show in the afternoon, song, dance, comedy, instrumental Performance, drama played in succession, not only full of national flavor of dance, and exotic performances, but also continue to last year's show, cheering and applause constantly on the scene. Interspersed with interesting interactive games and lottery activities, and put the atmosphere of the party to a climax time and time again. In the end, the company trade union choir of "the Chinese dream, beautiful dream" marked the successful conclusion of the company's new year's evening in Zhenjiang. In this auspicious music and laughter, accompanied by applause, cheers, Zhenjiang Spring Festival was successfully concluded in 2016.
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