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Zhenjiang Company Held Inaugural Meeting of General Party Branch Successfully

來源: 時間:2015-12-29 【字號:
On December 29, 2015, Zhenjiang company held a founding conference of CECEP solar energy technology (Zhenjiang) Co., Ltd. general branch committee, the election produced the first session of the Zhenjiang company Party committee and Party branch secretary. The conference has reviewed and summarized the achievements made by the Party branch of Zhenjiang company in three years, proposed the next work of specific measures and goals of general Party branch, the company Party branch will continue to promote the healthy development of the company as a duty and an important task, give full play to the political core role of Party Organizations, do a good work of the party, strengthen the party's cohesion and combat effectiveness,motivate the sense of mission, responsibility and work enthusiasm of employees.  According to the constitution of the communist Party of China and the interim regulations on the election of the grassroots party organizations of the communist Party of China, etc., by secret ballot elections, five comrades including Gou Xianfang, Fan weitao, Sun Yong, Qian Jing, Li Dingkang, were elected as the members of the first session of the Party branch committee of Zhenjiang company, and Gou Xianfang was elected as the first party secretary of Zhenjiang company. Finally, Party branch secretary Gou Xianfang required all the party members to maintain the style of Party members,on the ideological consciousness constantly alert the non-standard behaviors, use their own action to play an exemplary role. Secretary Gou said that she will further lead by example in the future work, regulate the operation of Party branch work, promote the company Party branch to play an exemplary role in the group and Zhenjiang district .
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