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CECEP Solar attended Intersolar Europe 2017

來源:中節約能源日光能科學(鎮江市)不多工司 時間:2017-06-20 【字號:
On May 31, Intersolar Europe 2017, the world-renowned and most influential solar-energy exhibition, kicked off at Munich New International Exhibition Center, Germany. CECEP Solar Energy Co., Ltd. (CECEP), a Chinese manufacturer of solar batteries and modules, participated in the whole exhibition and strived to promote Chinese brands in Europe and around the globe, presenting what China has achieved in energy conservation and emission reduction to the world.

CECEP exhibited its four modules, of which the PVB double-glass module commanded rapt attention. The pioneering PVB double-glass module, with higher loading and good impact resistance, still can ensure zero mirco-crack when loading 1,200 kg. The color PVB double-glass module, placed in the center of the exhibition booth for trampling test, remained intact with zero micro-crack after being trampled upon by many visitors. 

The PVB double-glass module and the high-efficiency PERC module, both enjoying uniqueness and superb quality, drew a lot of attention and won favor for CECEP’s booth. More notably, 10-plus countries, including India, Germany, Britain, Turkey, the Netherlands and Belgium, and over 30 companies actively sought in-depth cooperation with CECEP. While the exhibition was going on, many companies were already making appointments with CECEP as to the time for post-exhibition further business negotiations. It is believed that the fruits of this exhibition would lay a solid foundation for CECEP to penetrate the global market. During the exhibition, CECEP’s booth attracted many influential media and honored guests, of which the editor of PV Magazine, a famous photovoltaic magazine, interviewed Yang Lei, General Manager of CECEP, and Dr. Zhou Su from CECEP’s R&D Center, and positively commented on CECEP’s PVB double-glass products and its capability for technological innovation.

CECEP is a leading Chinese large central enterprise manufacturing photovoltaic cells and modules. CECEP Solar Energy Technology (Zhenjiang)Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary of CECEP, will act in accordance with the commitments of a central enterprise and listed company and its standards of product quality, and continuously introduce technological innovations to win satisfaction and approval from European customers and even the world for its brand and product quality. We will continue to pool photovoltaic power and build a better home for the world!

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