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Zhenjiang Company and RCT Holds the Signing Ceremony for the Joint Development of Wet Black Silicon

來源:中節電太陽系能社會(鎮江市)局限新公司 時間:2017-03-21 【字號:
On March 7, CECEP Solar Energy Technology (Zhenjiang) Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as Zhenjiang Company) and RCT Solutions GmbH (Hereinafter referred to as RCT) signed a cooperative development agreement on wet black silicon process. The attendees of the signing ceremony included Dr. Peter Fath, founder and CEO of RCT, Dr. Ihor Melynk, head of wet black silicon process of RCT, Tian Peiyi, general manager of RCT China branch (Suzhou Ruikete Automation Equipment Co., Ltd.), Gou Xianfang, vice president for technology of Zhenjiang Company, Fan Weitao, deputy director of the R&D Center of Zhenjiang Company and Dr. Zhou Su at the R&D Center of Zhenjiang Company. The two sides have reached cooperation on the joint development of wet black silicon industrialization process with the equipment of RCT. It is believed that with the strong R&D strength of Zhenjiang Company and its cooperation with RCT, the industrialization process of wet black silicon will be accelerated and cost decreasing and benefit increasing will be further implemented.  Zhenjiang Company had earlier started mass production of the dry black silicon process, which increased the efficiency of the polycrystalline diamond-wire-sawn batteries by 0.6%.  

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