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CECEP Solar Energy Technology (Zhenjiang) Co., Ltd. Wins the Award of “2018 The Top 100 Leading China Renewable Energy Pioneer Enterprises - Top Brand of Photovoltaic Modules"

來源:中低碳太陽升起能新材料技術(揚州)有現品牌 時間:2018-12-08 【字號:

On December 7, “The 8th Strengthen Application of China Yangtze River Economic Belt ‘One Belt One Road’ New Energy Innovation Development Forum 2018” & the Award Ceremony for “2018 The Top 100 Leading China Renewable Energy Pioneer Enterprises ” was solemnly opened in Nanjing, China.

With the theme of “Seek new methods in the face of new policies, improve quality and increase efficiency for new development", this forum focused on the current situation and prospects of China's photovoltaic industry, new energy storage and energy micro-grids, the application of big data in the photovoltaic industry, photovoltaic operation & maintenance systems and so on, on which the attendees had discussions. CECEP Solar Energy Technology (Zhenjiang) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Zhenjiang Company”) was invited to attend the forum and won the award of “2018 The Top 100 Leading China Renewable Energy Pioneer Enterprises- Top Brand of Photovoltaic Modules". In addition, Huang Guopoing, director of Zhenjiang Company, was awarded the prize of “Excellent Entrepreneur”.

These honors awarded show the strength of Zhenjiang Company, and also prove that the products of Zhenjiang Company are highly recognized by experts in the field of renewable energy and consumers.
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