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CECEP Solar Energy Technology (Zhenjiang) Co., Ltd. Passes the Reexamination for the Recognition of “National Hi-tech Enterprise” of 2018

來源:中工業節能太陽穴能科技發展(鎮江市)有現集團 時間:2018-12-15 【字號:

On November 28, 2018, the Office of the National High-tech Enterprise Recognition and Management Leading Group issued the Notice on Publicizing the List of the Second Batch of National Hi-tech Enterprises to be Recognized in Jiangsu Province in 2018. A total of 2,808 enterprises were on the list, including CECEP Solar Energy Technology (Zhenjiang) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Zhenjiang Company). Now the publicity period has ended.

This is the second time for Zhenjiang Company to pass the reexamination for the recognition as a “National Hi-tech Enterprise”. That is, Zhenjiang Company has consecutively passed the reexamination for two times since it was first recognized as a “National Hi-tech Enterprise” in 2012. The recognition for “National Hi-tech Enterprise” began in 2008, which is carried out every three years. Candidate enterprises are jointly recognized by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the PRC, the Ministry of Finance of the PRC and the State Taxation Administration. The enterprises are strictly evaluated from four aspects: core intellectual properties, the ability for the transformation of scientific & technological achievements, the capacities for R&D organization and management, and the growth indicators of sales and assets. Passing the reexamination shows that the scientific research innovation of Zhenjiang Company has been highly admitted by pertinent government authorities and Zhenjiang Company enjoys strong R&D strength and competitive advantages. Besides, it has further enhanced the popularity and reputation of the company and its brand and contributed to the expansion of its business market.
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