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The First Batch of Half-sized Modules from the Technical Renovation & Upgrading Project of the First Module Workshop of CECEP Solar Energy Technology (Zhenjiang) Co., Ltd. Roll off the Production Line

來源:中節約能源陽光直曬能現代科技(揚州)比較有限品牌 時間:2019-04-12 【字號:
On April 12, the first batch of half-sized modules from the Technical Renovation & Upgrading Project of the First Module Workshop of CECEP Solar Energy Technology (Zhenjiang) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Zhenjiang Company) officially rolled off the production line.

With the half-sized module technology adopted, the rated power of this batch of modules can reach 285 W, and the conversion efficiency exceeds 17%. For the production of this batch of modules, the front-line teams of Zhenjiang Company, including the ones in charge of R&D, production, the quality of products, technology and equipment have all made great efforts. In addition, the departments for management, procurement, information and others have also given full support in the whole process. The Technical Renovation & Upgrading Project of the First Module Workshop of Zhenjiang Company was launched at the end of 2018 and officially entered the stage of whole-production-line equipment testing and trial production on March 18, 2019. The successful production of these half-sized modules has further enriched and strengthened the product lineup of Zhenjiang Company, and it also marks an important milestone in the development of the company. With new technology, Zhenjiang Company has completed new products and obtained new achievements. Currently, Zhenjiang Company has an annual production capacity of 500 MW for half-sized modules, and it is expected to operate at full speed in the near future.   In the next step, Zhenjiang Company will launch more high-quality and high-efficiency products to meet all-round needs of customers.
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