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CECEP Solar Energy Technology (Zhenjiang) Co., Ltd. Is Granted the Title of “2019 Top Ten Suppliers of Quality Photovoltaic Cell/Module”

來源:中低碳日能信息技術(揚州)有效總部 時間:2019-11-22 【字號:

On November 15, 2019 China Quality Photovoltaic Brand Annual Grand Ceremony was held in Beijing.

Under the theme of “New Ecology, New Market, New Journey”, this event sponsored by  is reputed as one of the most influential grand award ceremonies for brands of the PV industry, which aims to encourage the technological innovation and brand construction of solar photovoltaic enterprises, and award outstanding enterprises for their contributions to the sustainable industrial development. The selection process has mobilized government leaders, industry experts, authoritative media and energy enterprises with influence, creativity and leadership. After rounds of selections such as the online open vote and expert review, Zhenjiang Company was finally granted the title of “2019 Top Ten Suppliers of Quality Photovoltaic Cell/Module”. Zhenjiang Company is granted the title of “2019 Top Ten Suppliers of Quality Photovoltaic Cell/Module” The winning of the award this time was a high recognition of the corporate commitment to providing quality products & services and achievements in brand building.
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